Friday, July 23, 2010

Review for BRPT Exam

Last minute I signed into a two day review hosted at NECC in Haverhill, MA. I got to see a few former classmates as well as meet many new faces, some traveling from New Jersey and Maine.

This review coupled with finding a huge online resource, Binary Sleep, will really help me get over summer time mentality and back into studying.

Break time is over so I'll add some links and pictures later.

The review covered AASM scoring guidelines and preparing for the newly restructured exam offered by the B.R.P.T.  Respiratory therapists, Registered sleep technologists, recent graduates and former sleep tech's still in the sleep field received a binder full of information to study.  For two days, about thirteen hours of lecturing, we listened to three professors discuss topics such as; pediatrics, cardiac evaluations, safety, and sleep disorders at length.

At the end we were awarded a certificate and members of AAST gained CEC credits.  Sadly, I forgot to charge my camera so I was only able to take a few pictures today.  Almost as sad is that I am so sleep deprived I'm having difficulty stringing together coherent sentences so take a gander at the few pictures below and get studying!
Chris Rowse
Lunch Time
Full study binders 
Two of teachers
Worked super hard to keep our food and drinks flowing
More food!
John Murray, Forrest Broderick, & Christopher Rowse