Thursday, March 4, 2010

Formulas: % of Stages

% of movement time
Minutes of MT / SPT (or TRT) x 100
Calculates minutes of movement time divided by sleep period time or total recording time and multiplying by 100 to get the total percentage.

% of Stage 1
Minutes of S1 / TST (or TRT or SPT) x 100
Calculates minutes in Stage 1 sleep by dividing by total sleep time or total recording time or sleep period time and multiplying by 100.

% of Stage 2
Minutes of S2 / TST (or TRT or SPT) x 100
Calculates minutes in Stage 2 sleep by dividing by total sleep time or total recording time or sleep period time and multiplying by 100.

% of Stage 3
Minutes of S3 / TST (or TRT or SPT) x 100
Calculates minutes in Stage 3 sleep by dividing by total sleep time or total recording time or sleep period time and multiplying by 100.

% of Stage REM
Minutes of REM / TST (or TRT or SPT) x 100
Calculates minutes in Stage REM sleep by dividing by total sleep time or total recording time or sleep period time and multiplying by 100.

These formulas are found in Fundamentals of Sleep Technology.  Check out the Formulas page for more.

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