Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Testing Quiz One

Testing Quiz One
Hello, this is a test to see what it looks like...

  1. To be scored properly arousals must be _____ seconds apart
  2. 3 5 30 10
  3. The answer to this question is
  4. a b c d
  5. 2 + 2 =
  6. 5 8 4 1
  7. Type your question4 here.
  8. choice1 choice2- pick me choice3 choice4- pick me
  9. Type your question5 here.
  10. choice1- pick me choice2 choice3 choice4
  11. Type your question6 here.
  12. choice1 choice2 choice3- pick me choice4
  13. Type your question7 here.
  14. choice1- pick me choice2 choice3 choice4
  15. Type your question8 here.
  16. choice1- PICK ME choice2- PICK ME choice3 choice4
  17. Type your question9 here.
  18. choice1-PICK ME choice2 choice3 choice4
  19. Type your question10 here.
  20. choice1- PICK ME choice2 choice3 choice4
Let's see what it looks like... stay tuned for 10 question quizzes

Monday, May 17, 2010

Finals are over but studying isn't

Getting ready for our scoring final!

Well, the idea that I would post on the blog during my last semester didn’t really work so well.  Between work, clinical and studying I just couldn’t manage it.

Last week I took all five of my finals and this Saturday is graduation.  Just because school is over though doesn’t mean that the learning has stopped.  This Friday students from both the Hybrid and Day programs met with two of our teachers to take a review. 

We all are eligible to take the RPSTG exam, which is in the process of a price increase and big overhaul, and now we really need to hit the books.

I’ll be posting here to help keep my studying organized, I’m still trying to find a good plugin for quizzes (so geeky but I can’t wait) and hopefully by the end of the summer I can say I’m a registered tech.

My next goal is getting a job!