Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Testing Quiz One

Testing Quiz One
Hello, this is a test to see what it looks like...

  1. To be scored properly arousals must be _____ seconds apart
  2. 3 5 30 10
  3. The answer to this question is
  4. a b c d
  5. 2 + 2 =
  6. 5 8 4 1
  7. Type your question4 here.
  8. choice1 choice2- pick me choice3 choice4- pick me
  9. Type your question5 here.
  10. choice1- pick me choice2 choice3 choice4
  11. Type your question6 here.
  12. choice1 choice2 choice3- pick me choice4
  13. Type your question7 here.
  14. choice1- pick me choice2 choice3 choice4
  15. Type your question8 here.
  16. choice1- PICK ME choice2- PICK ME choice3 choice4
  17. Type your question9 here.
  18. choice1-PICK ME choice2 choice3 choice4
  19. Type your question10 here.
  20. choice1- PICK ME choice2 choice3 choice4
Let's see what it looks like... stay tuned for 10 question quizzes

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